Dental Check-Up


Keeping on top of your dental health is simple. Preventing future toothache, gum disease or other dental emergencies is paramount to our service.

Stay ahead with regular check-ups and hygiene appointments at least once a year.

regular check-ups

We offer complete dental examinations, screening your oral health and hygiene to diagnose any disease early. We will provide you with a detailed insight to our findings and discuss your treatment options to create a tailored dental care plan for you. 

Check-ups are recommended annually with x-rays included when required.



hygiene & gum care

All beautiful smiles start with stain-free teeth and healthy gums. Our hygiene appointments target the areas behind, in-between and underneath your gums and teeth to remove common plaque, calculus (tartar) and stain build up.

We recommend hygiene visits twice a year and will give you tips on how to improve your oral hygiene and prevent the following problems: -

  • Gingivitis (bleeding & inflamed gums)

  • Halitosis (bad breath)

  • Periodontitis (more advanced gum disease)

oral health at home

Most of your dental health relies on you and what you do at home. Stay tuned on our Instagram (@theabcsmile) to see all our dentist tips and advice on toothbrushing, toothpaste recommendations and more.

Here are some useful pages to help guide you to better dental health.

the a.b.c. concept

the a.b.c. concept

a.b.c. alignment
a.b.c. brighten
a.b.c. contour


Principal Dentist
69 Mortimer Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1W 7SF